Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2009-03-24 Tuesday - stir-fried soba noodles

stir-fried soba noodles
  • 1 packet soba noodles (buckwheat and wheat)
  • 1 lb chicken tenders, sliced and chopped
    • marinated with:
    • soy sauce
    • white pepper
    • tapioca starch
    • large chunk (~1"x3/4"x3/4") of ginger, minced
  • 2 carrots, grated
  • 4-5 large brussels sprouts, sliced (about 1/3 more than carrots in volume)
  • 1/2 small onion, thinly sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  1. boil water and cook soba noodles -- remove when still a bit undone, takes only a few minutes, less time than pasta

  2. cook garlic and onions, add carrots and brussels, cook till soft (add broth if necessary), remove

  3. cook chicken

  4. push chicken to sides, add egg to middle of pan, cook a bit

  5. add noodles, mix with egg

  6. add vegetables, mix

  7. taste, and add soy sauce and/or broth if needed


The key ingredient was the ginger, and lots of it. I put in what appeared to be too much -- but there was a lot of chicken and vegetables and noodles, and it was perfect.

Egg was a good addition for texture.

Next time, try rinsing the noodles before putting them in the pan. They had stuck together from sitting in the colander.

Next time, add something green and leafy, like spinach or gai-lan or bak-choi. (I forgot to add the arugula this time.)

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